About Gainesville Intermediate
The students, staff and community of Gainesville Intermediate School recognize each child as an individual and will provide opportunities for students to achieve their personal best. Our learning community strives to foster a safe, caring and creative environment for developing lifelong learning and responsible citizens.
Contact Us
Gainesville Intermediate
2100 N. Grand Ave.
Gainesville, TX 76240
Telephone: (940) 668-6662
Fax: (940) 668-0353
Grade levels: 5th-6th
School Hours: 7:45AM - 3:50 PM
Tuesday - Friday
Principal: Claudia Brito
Assistant Principal: Elizabeth Spradlin
Office Staff
Counselor - Kara Coberley
Nurse - Traci Skinner
Librarian - Kelli Bond
Budget/Attendance Secretary - Liz Nieto
Registrar/PEIMS - Kamye Pemberton
Communities in Schools - Brandon Gordon
Instructional Coach - Susan Stokes
Campus Tech - Candice Lehde